Anthony had come with John Winthrop's fleet, on the ship Confidence. His first home was in the disputed territory between Cambridge and Watertown which was given to Cambridge in 1632, and was on the road to Mount Auburn close by the river. His close friend was Jared Haddon. Anthony's wife, Susannah, was probably Jared's sister. Anthony built a second house near the Washington Elm and a third one near the Fresh Pond. He was admitted freeman in Cambridge on 14 May 1634. Three years later, he appeared in Ipswich, and three years after that in Salisbury. He was among the first settlers of the latter town. When Jared sold his homestead in 1644 and built in what is now Amesbury, Anthony bought the lot adjoining and came with his family. On this land he at last settled down to make a permanent home. He received additional lots of land from the divisions in 1643, 1654, and 1658. He was an industrious man, and in spite of moving every few years and in spite of many children, he became one of the largest property holders in Amesbury. His lots included: Back River, Fox Island, Lion's Mouth, Great Swamp, Hampton, River, Whiskers Hill, and lots from the third and fourth divisions. In 1654, Anthony purchased a house and property from John Macy. That house remains.
Susanna was already in Boston when Anthony arrived. She was the Widow Waterman. Mr. Waterman's name is not known. She married Anthony soon after his arrival and they had eight children. After Anthony's death, she married William Whitridge, and outlived him as well. Her maiden name is not known - and has been guessed to be several names. The most likely is Haddon, with her being the sister of the man Anthony travelled with, and with whom they lived closely all their lives.